
Metro Cinema Center will be operated by Upper West Side Cinema Center, Inc.
(not-for-profit status applied for)

In the interim, the Woodstock Film Festival has agreed to be the fiscal sponsor to accept donations, which are 100% tax deductible.

The resources necessary to implement the plan are substantial, and we are counting on contributions from interested parties, as well as government support in order to implement it.

Donations of any size can be made at this link – DONATE

Naming Opportunities:

For those who are willing to pledge larger amounts, there are naming opportunities as follows:

  • The entire Cinema Center can be named for a contribution of $15 million
  • Theater 1 (approx. 190 seats): $2 million
  • Theater 2 (approx. 165 seats): $1.5 million
  • Theaters 3 & 4 (49 seats each): $500,000 each
  • Theater 5 (Educational Center): $1 million
  • Lobby/Lounge/Cafe: $1 million
  • Marquee: $500,000

Major Supporters Wall: $25,000+
Gifts of $25,000+ will be acknowledged prominently on the Major Supporters Wall in the lobby of the theatre

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us here